
Monday, 18 July 2016

NO GIRLS ALLOW (Winter Learning Journey)

In 2792 during the ancient Olympic Games, only men can compete in the evens but woman's were't aloud. In fact woman's were't aloud to even watch the game. I thick girl's should have the right to  join in and have fun because you might not know what kind of talent girls got?NO GIRLS SHOULD BE ALOUD

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, Charlie. I think that all girls should be allowed to compete in the Olympics. They are very talented and capable of competing in a large number of sporting events, including some that are traditionally 'male' events like taekwondo, judo, wrestling, pankration, etc.

    Keep up the great work, Charlie! I will look forward to checking your blog in another few days to see if you've had time to post another activity blog. I hope that you will!

    Cheers, Rachel


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