
Thursday, 10 March 2016

Charlie Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Student’s Name: Charlie_ Date:10 March 2016

Title: The Four Friends

Author: Alice Robertson

1. What did you read about today? I read about four friends who want’s it’s to go fishing.

2. How did you feel about what you read today? Why? I feel like scared, because in the text it said “They all got into a dugout canoe and paddled out through the waves, right into shark country.

3. Think about your favourite character. What happened to your favourite character today? My favourite character was the cat because when there boat sink the cat wants it to eat mouse.

4. How would you feel if the same thing that happened to your character, happened to you? I will feel like get to shore at least.

5. Do you have any questions about what you read? If so, write them down. Why did mouse made a hole in the boat?.

6. If you haven’t finished reading the book, what do you think will happen next? If you finished reading the book, what do you think will happen if the author decided to write another part to this story? I world wants to read it.

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